Community care group is collecting the used/extra electronic items for recycle purpose we can collect all kind of items (usable or unusable), e.g., computers, laptops, computer accessory, cell phones. If any items can be fixed or repaired, we will give them away to the school children with need. If not, we will take it to Richmond Recycling Depot. (Remark: All data inside devices have to be destroyed). If anyone have any items of the above please contact Eugene or email, so he can pick it up from you, or bring back to Church office’s recycling blue box at second floor.

社區關懷小組正收集舊/額外的電子産品進行回收再用,我們可以收集各種物品(可用或無法使用),例如電腦、筆記型電腦、電腦配件、手機。如果任何物品可以修復或修理的話,我們將把它們送給有需要的學童,假如沒辦法修復我們便會送交到烈治文回收中心(註:任何產品內的資料必經專人銷毀)。如果有人有任何以上物品,請聯絡Eugene 或電郵, 以方便聯絡安排收取、或自行把物品放回教會二樓門前的回收箱。
